Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nutrition, anybody?

Well, talking about food, it's essential, I know.

But, some people, they just eat, they don't know what they actually consume...
AND keep talking that they are getting fat, and fatter.

Do you watch what you eat? seriously, you think you do?
You want curvy shape, you want the opposite sex turn around when you entered a place, gazing their eyes on you, especially those hot guys/babes, but still, you don't care much about what you eat...

I've met many friends who thought that their weight's increasing....RAPIDLY!(gasp!) This is scary, even for me, I'm slim and slender, just so you know, I'm just underweight, that's all, but in appearance, I think I'm okay... Being a girl, i don't care much about this diet or whatsoever, but now I'm almost 19, well, practically a lady, so, I'm a little bit into femininity as I grow older...(I'm a tomboyish girl when I was a child, that's why!)

Hence, if you are, like me, don't have enough time to be spent on treadmill or exercise or sport or perhaps, it's not that you don't have time, you just don't really into these things, I have a solution...


  • Eat your BREAKFAST- Well, honey, whatever you do with your diet, make sure that you take your breakfast, it's one way of providing energy for your whole hard day. If you don't have enough energy, you'll keep consuming those unnecessary fats from biscuits, chocolate, ice-cream, cakes, donuts or worst snacks before your lunch time... I'd rather choose one bowl of nutritious cereal with fruits in the morning(and that's enough!) than seeking toast with jams and gradually snacking in the middle of a lecture... It's a way of disrespect to your lecturer, you will not be 100 percent focus in your class as well as you are actually messing up your outfit(again, you wanna look fabulous in front of others? FORGET IT!)
  • Plan to FAST with your friends- This is the biggest secret on dietary, but make sure that you did not get it wrong, please promise me, you make a right intention, you did not fast to be slim, you fast because you want to gain another reward from HIM. Oh, you can also fast on your own, but it's never the same when we fast with friends or family, just like on Ramadan, we won't fell hungry or thirsty. We can sahur and break the fast together. This makes the process of reducing our weight much more fun.
  • Choose to eat either of this: LUNCH or DINNER. DON'T EAT BOTH OF THEM. This is a challenge. What I meant is you don't have to burden your tummy with too many foods. You can still eat some light supper like salad or french fries while watching TV. You just shouldn't eat heavy meals like chicken chop. If you will attend a prom tonight, you should skip your lunch, prepare your stomach for the foods, see what I mean?
  • Watch the QUANTITY of what you eat- I see this is the problem of most of the male, they eat quality food, but in major quantity. Seriously, it's like your stomach will explode, stop doing this! Have you ever meet the word MODERATE? and have you ever seen the food pyramid? Save your own tummy, for god's sake. You don't have to necessarily make sure that your plate is full so that you feel satisfied of paying the price to the restaurant, you need to make sure that it's complete of all nutrition, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibers, etc...
Guys, I know that I did not include go to gym or get your doctor's advice as my tips... The reason is that I'm a student, so, I assume that students don't really have much money. Honey, to get a curvy body, you should sacrifice, don't only do these tips without exercise, at least try to take the stairs instead of lift, and take the weekend to any recreational park, jog there, bring your skipping rope too, you'll look a little more fabulous when skipping in the park, who knows you'll find a special one there?